Monday, June 30, 2008

Subiecte proba scrisa bacalaureat inainte de examen

examen bacalaureat proba scrisa

Azi 30 iunie 2008, absolventii claselor a XII-a vor sustine proba scrisa la Limba Materna. In Targu Mures, cele mai importante doua centre de examinare sunt centrul de examinare Al. Papiu Ilarian si cel de la Colegiul National Unirea, centru unde vor sustine examenul si absolventii de la Grup Scolar Gheorghe Marinescu. Cati dintre liceenii de astazi nu si-ar dori sa afle subiectele probelor scrise la examenul de bacalaureat inainte de examen. Dar oare este posibil asa ceva ? Se poate ca un licean din ziua de astazi sa isi doreasca sa treaca examenul de bacalaureat fara sa dea cu adevarat un examen. Parca nu ar fi de ajuns ca liceenilor li s-au dat subiectele inainte de bacalaureat, cele 100 de subiecte chiar si pentru probele scrise, unii liceeni si-ar dori cu o zi inainte de bacalaureat sa intre in posesia subiectelor pe care le vor primi a doua zi la proba la care trebuie sa sustina examenul scris. Vi se pare posibila o asemenea situatie ? Pe site-ul oficial s-au pbulicat subiectele, probele la care se va sustine examenul de bacalaureat, si orarul cu zilele in care se vor sustine diversele probe. Orarul probelor de bacalaureat il puteti gasi aici, iar alte detalii referitoare la proba de foc de care liceenii trebuie sa treaca in sesiunea iunie-iulie 2008, pot fi gasite aici. Succes tuturor absolventilor de clasa a XII-a care au de trecut acest examen, si succes pe mai departe celor care vor sustine in curand examenele de admitere la facultate 2008. Vom reveni cu noi detalii in ceea ce priveste probele, subiectele date si afisarea rezltatelor.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

CAMEX 2008

camex 2008The national exposition of construction and installation Camex Targu Mures took place at the “Sala Polivalenta”, for the seventh time, between 05-08 June , 2008. Like always, the event was organized by “ABplus events”, who managed to bring this year 200 different commercial agents wich presented a large variety of products, construction materials, equipment and tools, accessories and many others.
With 12 years of experience, Camex had became the optimal environment for developing economical and social partnerships for the companies from the construction industry.
From the many client’s advantages we can point out the following:
· The agents can lure new customers.
· Promoting target corporation.
· Expanding the distribution network
This exposition gathered in 3 days 13000 visitors who were more that impressed off the products and services exposed there.
This event is also taking place in other towns, so, if you missed it, you can visit it in Iasi, Sibiu, Constanta, Brasov, Craiova, Bacau, Oradea, Baia Mare, Cluj Napoca, Timisoara, Galati or Suceava.

Credit Card for Students

best credit card deals

In Targu Mures, there are 2 options a student can take if he wants a credit card or a debit card. One of them is the Studcard, a student card that gives some advantages for students, i wrote about it here. The other solutions is offered by one of the most modern bank in Targu Mures, wich is the ING Bank. They have the most modern branch of a bank in the city, with ATM and a Multimat, secured, and open for public just untill 11:00 pm.

The new credit card offered by ING, is the most secure credit/debit card in Romania, and has lots of advantages for the students. Because they dont have to pay any comission for the transactions they make, at the multymat.The ING Student Card, is one of the best credit card deals in town. Among the credit card rewards the following can be pointed out as the most important ones: any transaction between 2 ING accounts is free for students, if you keep money on your account, you get an interest at the rate of almost 8 per cent per year, calculated for the money in your accound at the end of the day. The interest will be paid in your accound at the end of each mount.

The ING visa credit cards for students, can be easily used with paypal, i tried the visa credit card, and it works just fine.

What documents do you need to make this credit card ?

You need your identity card, your note book, or student identification card, or an oficial paper that prooves that you are student.

Big Rainstorm at Targu Mures

One of the biggest Rainstorms this year, in Targu-Mures, started today, 18th June 2008, around 6 pm.Most of the rainstom, it rained with ice. Though the duration of the storm was no longer than 15 minutes, 4 main streets in Targu-Mures, were flooded, with 1/2 meter of water in some places. Below are some pictures and videos made by myself, in Tudor Vladimirescu neighbourhood. As i heared, the biggest problems were in Piata Trandafirilor, at Papiu, and in Tudor Vladimirescu, Fortuna.

tudor vladimirescu targu murestudor vladimirescu targu muresrain clouds targu mures rain clouds targu mures rainstorm targu mures

In the movie below, you can see images from Electrica, near the Mures-Bridge, and from Papiu streat, near the highschool with the same name.

Ice Rainstorm at Targu Mures

Here are some pictures taken after the storm, in Tudor Vladimirescu, and you can see the sun shining on the sky. The sun is shining so bright, that i could hardly took some photos, without making them black.

sunshine targu murestargu mures buildingtudor vladimirescu mures view from toptargu mures fortuna neighbourhoodsunshine mures car parking
And here is some amateur video made from home. My best guess is that the movie was taken in "Dambu Pietros" Neighbourhood.

For more information and pictures click here

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Spring of Life

sprig of life design

Searching over the internet, i found the spring of life ! What is the spring of life you`ll ask ? The spring of life, is a blog, that talks about new technology, about new software on the internet, about scripts, and in general about how to make your blog better, and help you improve your blog, and make it more attractive for the visitors. They give you stuff to download for free, and they also give true free advice. For example one of the recent posts was about how to create your own icon bar on the top of your blog, or tips and advices about how to create and get your adsense account. If you look over the older posts there is a very interesting discussion about how to make adsense work for you, and how to make real money online. I liked the design of this blog, how it`s laid out, and most of all i love the articles written there. The advices are very usefull if you are a beginner in html, and blog experience. Enter here to read more and to convince yourself.

Entrecard Contest Started

A friend of mine started an entrecard contest, and the price is 3000 ec (entrecard credits). The contest started 16th June 2008, and the winner will be announced 3 weeks from that date, and that is the 9th of July 2008. Anyone can participate, and the rule is very simple: subscribe to her blog, write a little article about this contest, and the price can be yours. Succes to all of you in the contest if you decide to participate. The winner will be chosen trough a weird and original method: She will put the pile with the contestant`s name in front of her`s one year old son, and the first name her son touches, will be the winner. Interesting isn`t it ?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Favourite photo

targu mures night car road

This is my favourite picture, and i am not the only one who has chosen this image as the most beautyful one, from the gallery of pictures made in Targu-Mures, by night. I will post some new pictures soon, and hopefully I'll come back with a little movie about Targu-Mures. Untill then, have fun, play safe, and enjoy surfing/blogging.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Orar Bacalaureat 2008

bacalaureat 2008
Aici este orarul examenelor de bacalaureat, din sesiunea iunie-iulie 2008 :

23 - 24 iunie 2008 - Limba şi literatura română – proba A – proba orală
24 - 25 iunie 2008 - Limba şi literatura maternă – proba C – proba orală
25 – 26 iunie 2008 - Limba şi literatura modernă – proba B – proba orală
27 iunie 2008 - Limba şi literatura română – proba A – proba scrisă
30 iunie 2008 - Limba şi literatura maternă – proba C – proba scrisă
1 iulie 2008 - Proba obligatorie a profilului – proba D – proba scrisă
2 iulie 2008 - O probă la alegere din aria curriculară corespunzătoare specializării – proba E – probă scrisă sau practică
3 iulie 2008 - O probă la alegere dintre disciplinele din celelalte arii curriculare corespunzătoare specializării – proba F – probă scrisă sau practică
5 iulie 2008 - Afişarea rezultatelor (până la orele 16:00) şi depunerea contestaţiilor (orele 16:00 – 20:00)
7 – 8 iulie 2008 - Rezolvarea contestaţiilor
9 iulie 2008 - Afişarea rezultatelor finale

Organizarea si desfasurarea probelor
La probele orale/practice, candidaţii intră în sala de examen în ordinea afişată, respectându-se ora prevăzută pentru fiecare grupă. Fiecare candidat prezintă comisiei documentul de identitate şi fişa individuală pentru consemnarea rezultatelor la examinările orale şi practice. Comisia de bacalaureat verifică identitatea fiecărui candidat.
La probele orale, candidatul extrage un bilet şi primeşte hârtie ştampilată pentru ciornă. El are dreptul la un al doilea bilet, caz în care nota va fi scăzută cu un punct. Pentru elaborarea răspunsurilor se acordă fiecărui candidat 10 – 15 de minute.
La examenul de limba şi literatura maghiară( proba C) candidaţii pot folosi culegeri de texte. Acestea vor fi verificate înainte de începerea examenului de către comisia de examinare.

Bafta multa tuturor absolventilor de clasa a XII-a care vor sustine examene in aceasta sesiune.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Aici sunt cateva poze cu Valea Muresului din Tirgu Mures. Muresul, un rau care nu va inceta sa ma uimeasca, si ma va face intotdeauna sa ma simt bine. Stand pe malul apei, si vazand apa cum trece pe langa tine te face sa te relaxezi si sa visezi. Daca cineva vine sa viziteze Tirgu-Muresul si nu viziteaza malul Muresului, face o foarte mare greseala. Sper sa va placa pozele. Click pe ele pentru a le mari.

(Here are some new pictures from Tirgu Mures.The Mures Valley, a river that will always amaze me, and will always make me feel good. I must say that staying on the river`s side, watching the water passing by you is one of the most relaxin things. It would be a very big mistake to come to visit Tirgu Mures, and not to visit the Mures Valley. Enjoy the Pictures, and click on them to enlarge them.)

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